
Lady Vader n Jedi Knight Leia

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After Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker confronts Sith Lord Lady Vader and is defeated by her when she sliced her own light sabre in half....

Lady Vader of the Sith reveals her true self to Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker....

===Fall Of The Emperor.===

As the Emperor Palpatine prepares to strike his now-traitorous former apprentice the Lady Vader and her Jedi daughter Leia for planning to betray & refusing to follow him when Grand Admiral Thrawn appeared on the holonet to declare that the Empire's Fleet over Hoth has changed their loyalties...

The failure of the Emperor's attempt to generate Sith Lightening among with the distraction by Thrawn and the sudden appearance of two slithering lizards from hidden alcoves above the Emperor gave both Padme Skywalker Lady Vader and her daughter Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker the time to activate their light Sabre and prepare to strike down the accursed Emperor before he could ignite his own......


From the last episode...

==I Am Your MOTHER!==

After Lady Padme Skywalker Vader finally calmed her confused & bewildered daughter, Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker, to a level where they could have a less than hectic conversation without verbally throwing invectives at each other,
Leia finally realizes that her mom, now found alive and well eventhough she is the Emperor Palpatine's most ruthless Sith Lord, the Lady Vader, wasn't planning to change her into the Sith nor even kill her.

" No Leia, my darling daughter, I am not going to try to sway you to the Sith, arrest you and bring you to the Emperor or even kill you.
I am going to explain to you what I am doing and what I want you do decide next, okay? "
-inquired Lady Vader as she watched her daughter, still leery and in shock, nod her head for her mom to continue.

" Good, I presume that Master Jedi Knight Yoda trained you, right? And no denials, Leia.
That style you exhibited against me is the very fighting stance and movement that Master Yoda would make a young Jedi go through, hmmmmmm?"

"Well, ah..."

" I can sense your thoughts, daughter, a fully trained Jedi or Sith can easily pull surface thoughts from anybody...
I got an affirmative from you from your own very memories... You did quite well against me, Leia. For a beginner, that is."
-stated Lady Vader as she sat two feet from her daughter whom was likewise sitting down and watching her mother closely...

" But... but.. MOM!? You killed BEN! On the First Death Star?! "
" You slash at him with your lightsabre and he disappeared?! You ... "

" NO, Leia... no. "
" What you saw and what everybody thought they saw was I cleaving a Sith induced doppelganger of my old mentor Ben Kenobi. "
" What nobody saw was my subterfuge actions beforehand where I stunned Ben when he had prepared himself for accepting what he thought was my death strike from my lightsabre."

" Once he went down, I used my Sith powers to generate a false Ben-figure and everybody believed in it... "
" I even had my people modify the video feeds to show exactly that so that no one was the wiser, Leia. "
" Ben is quite alive and well in a secret disclosed camp where I have captured and saved many of the Jedi from dying from the Emperor's General Order 66 to eliminate and purge all Jedi. "

" Sith I may be, fool I am most certainly not. "
" I knew that the then newly christened Emperor Palpatine had something done to your father, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker,
" but my anger upon hearing of his death at the hands of unknown assassins had blinded me and led me down the path of the Dark side of the force."
" Just as he planned. "

" But... I saw ... I saw Ben's ghost on Hoth, telling me to go visit Yoda at ... ah ... go get training from Master Yoda."
-desperately trying not to reveal where the planet that she had trained for weeks with Yoda....

" Your training and skills have improved, Leia, but I got the place where you trained... But fear not! "
" I have no plans to follow nor implement General Order 66 to eliminate any Jedi that still lives. "
" Don't forget what I stated before, I 'rescued' many of the surviving Jedi from General Order 66. "

" But, ma ... mother ..., Ben, Ben's ghost ..."

" That was my Sith generated powers and Ben's abilities of his force skills to sense where you were ... "
" That is a Sith & Jedi skill that the Emperor Palpatine mastered soo well that he can easily communicate with his Dark Hands and some
of us Sith in private at long distance, light years away tho at great cost and intense concentration. "
" Ben didn't totally like the idea of us mediating together so that I could send an image of him to you via the Force so that you could gain more training with a surviving Jedi Master that was still alive ...BUT! "

" HE is very much alive and well tho, again, it did take me a very VERY long time to finally convince him that I was not a total lackey and fool of a Sith for the Emperor Palpatine's tool..."

" .... Ah ... so if you aren't going to kill me, convert me to the Sith or hold me captive and then show me to the Emperor in chains, what is your purpose, MOM? "
-asked a now perplex Leia.

" Daughter ... "
" I plan to take the Emperor down for what he did to your father and what he did to me that made me into a servant of the Sith. "
" Only when I was given hard evidence of what the Emperor did to my beloved Anakin was I finally able to break the hold that Palpatine had over me and allow me to plan his demise. "

" Ah, what evidence, mom and whom gave you that evidence, ehh? "

" Grand Admiral Thrawn ... "
-Lady Vader is interrupted by her astonished daughter...

" THRAWN?! THE Grand Admiral Thrawn that was exiled to the unknown regions?! "

" Yes, daughter... "
" Thrawn gave me video proof via his Noghri Commandos that Palpatine had ordered the assassination of my beloved Anakin and had later deceived me into almost believing that it was corrupt old Republic Senators and some jealous Jedi Knights that did the foul-deed."

" I was suspicious of his evidence but eventually ... "
-a strange smiling look on her mom's face left Leia slightly confused ... What is my mom recalling?
" I was able to confirm it through my own spy sources and some from my bounty-hunters contact that it was indeed the Emperor Palpatine that gave the order and not any Senators nor any Jedi Knights for those that he accused of the deed had either already been killed by his own minions or had been encased in carbonite before your father's assassination..."
-Lady Vader recalled the many arguments that she had with Thrawn before her feelings changed ... but back to the matter at hand...

" What you do not know yet is that many of the Imperial Moff Governors, Admirals & Generals are fed up with the Emperor for his constant and barbaric nepotism & tactics that has divided the Empire, the Imperial Fleet and the Civil administrators into personal fiefdoms for the corrupted and unworthy minions of the Emperor that is slowly crippling the very fabric of our society & economy."

" Sooo ... what is your, ah, plans, mother ...? "

" I shall tell you but you will now be training with me and BEN in that secret facility where many Jedi Knights have been rescued by me. "

" Thrawn and I have a plan but you and I are the essential parts in this that will cause the utter demise of the be-fouled Emperor Palpatine and rescue our civilization from corruption and self-destruction ... "

" This is our plan ..... First, this interesting creature that Admiral Thrawn found ... "
-shows her daughter a small hand device generating a hologram of a slithering lizard ....

--End Prologue--

And thus ends the life of Emperor Palpatine at the hands of his now former apprentice and Sith Lady Vader and Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker...

===LONG Live The EMPRESS!!===

The Empress Padme Skywalker;
formerly The Lady Vader;
is enjoying her time as the new leader of the Imperial Republic Empire...

She watches her new charges and old friends confer and mingle, with some trepidation as they tread the new waters that she has now irrigated the galactic scenery with her very presence & willpower...

Jedi Masters Ben & Yoda confer while Aayla & Stass confers with their counterparts;
the Empress Skywalker's converted Dark Hands;
Mara Jade & Lumiya, once the Emperor's Palpatine's own before they turned against their despotic & corrupted Emperor for the then Lady Vader...

"Incredible, Still, it is... The Chosen one, not Anakin, not Leia, not Luke but PADME!?"
-spoke Yoda.

" Yes, Yoda. Even the ex-Emperor's visions were wrong. "
" When he thought that it was Anakin and he wasn't able to corrupt nor sway him to the Dark Side, he had him assassinated during the Jedi Purges. "
-Ben still looks on with his fellow surviving Master Jedis as they also watch the Empress now loyal Sith Lords & Ladies mingle with other fellow Jedi Knights;
an uneasy truce and peace foster by decree;
actually ram'd down everybody's throat by the Empress, Grand Admiral Thrawn and even both Luke & Leia.

" Yes, yes... The Chosen one, to set the Force back into balance but in this manner, not foreseen, no. "
-Yoda contemplates to himself as he watches Mara Jade, the Empress' Hand, flirt with Imperial Senator Luke Skywalker of Alderaan...

--Near Distant Past--

The Then Lady Vader had force choked Grand Moff Tarkin on the first Death Star in order to prevent him from ordering the destruction of the Planet Alderaan where her son was hidden by Ben decades ago and her agents found out whom Luke was when they secretly did some DNA analysis to confirm what she had felt in the force when she meet the adopted child while on tour and felt a familial kindred with the young adopted son of Bail Organa.
'Sooo, that is where Ben & Yoda hid one of my twin babies when I went Sith Mad over the death of my beloved Anakin... Well done, Ben... Pity for you, Tarkin, you picked the wrong planet to test your little toy with... Tho I shall give you a quick death since you unwittingly help me found my missing daughter ... LEIA ... on Tatooine, of all things, a moisture farmer!!'

" Your surface thoughts that I have gleamed off you shows you a greedy traitor that would turn this Death Star of the Empire against the Emperor... "
" Thus, I end your pathetic life and your treachery, ex-Grand Moff Tarkin. "
-speaks The Lady Vader as she and the other Imperial Officers watch in horror as Tarkin breathes his last breathe and stops

" Captain Daala, you will follow me back to Imperial Command. Your suspicions about his loyalities and his overt ambitions to use the SuperLaser against Coruscant were valid concerns. "
" General Tagge, you will take command of this battlestation and proceed to leave the Alderaan system and go after the Rebels reported at Yavin. "
" I shall not hold you responsible for the escape of the former Imperial Senator Luke Organa with rebels since Tarkin is now officially declared a traitor."
" And don't forget, Tagge, the Emperor takes a dim view of any of his subordinates targeting planets full of loyal citizens of The Imperial Empire... "
" IS THAT UNDERSTOOD, General Tagge?! "

" Ah, YES, Lady VADER! I shall move the ... MY battlestation to Yavin to hunt down any rebel forces there, Milady!! "
-shouts Tagge as he sees her raise her hand, just like before when she choked the living life out of Tarkin.


" But to have both sides, Jedi & Sith, Light & Dark Force users together, learning, training, practicing and even "
-states Ben...

<at this statement, Yoda Hummpt! as he see the very fabric of his reality change in front of his very eyes that were totally unexpected by either Jedi or Sith of olde.>

" The old rules of the Jedi have been eliminated so that this new era of combining the two different traditions of using the Force, both light & dark, can be comprehend and use properly..."
-mused Ben...

" Change ... Difficult, it is, accept no choice ... "
<signs Yoda as he sees Aayla flirting gently with Lumiya while Ben watches Leia bickering with Han Solo; the Ex-Imperial turn ex-smuggler now Captain of an Imperial StarDestroyer; calling him not good enought to be a Nerf Herder or something of that sort...>

" Me?! I'm a great Pilot, not a herder of beef, princess..."
-Solo pretending to look offended while verbally teasing Leia...

"Well, Thrawn, how goes the loyalities of the Imperial Systems that our once former pruneface once hail sway over, hmmmm...? "
-inquires the Imperial Empress as she playfully moves her leg between his own ...

" My, Lady ... I am please to report that even the Imperial fortress planet Byss has formally surrender to my battlefleets and have even surrender all of the former Emperor's Spaarti Cloning Cylinders that held his own clones. "
" The CloneMasters promptly destroyed the duplicates, thus preventing any usage of Palpatine's clones for future pretenders.."
-spoke Grand Admiral Thrawn as he moves ever closer to his Lady...

" Hmmpt! You do understand that the former Emperor had many secret bases that even I was not aware off that .."

" -That I found and had personally eliminated the cloned but corrupted Jedi Masters defending the facilities & made doubly sure that there was no Palpatine clones anywhere in those facilities..."
-retorted Thrawn as both smiles...

" Maybe so, BUT! "
" There will always be a doubt that he has still an unknown hidden base somewhere with a spare Spaarti Cylinder with a clone body ready to accept his mind... He was still the Master Dark Lord of the Sith ... "
-smiles the Empress as she touches his face tenderly...

" Yes, MiLady, and we in the Fleet, among with your Jedi & Sith warriors and the bounty hunters will continue the hunt and maintain a viligence.. "
" Fear not, My Lady... eventually, we shall prevail. We do have time, the manpower, the Fleet and the material to hunt the known and unknown galaxy..."

" Then kiss me you stubborn man of mine ... but don't get overconfident... "
" It was Daala that revealed the two main hidden facilities;
Byss and the Maw Installation;
that gave you the military & technological edge against the Palpatine loyalist Remnants & their Imperial holdings... "
" Don't get too cocky, my beloved ... "

" I never do ... your Imperial Highness ... "
-embraces the Empress as their ...
As seen in the first episode

Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker had hope to confront and defeat Lady Vader of the Sith but was handily defeated by Lady Vader's skills with her own Light Sabre...

Lady Vader then shows her true self after telling Jedi Knight Leia whom she really is...

Fall Of The Emperor

And slowly and grudgingly convinces her confused daughter of her & Grand Admiral Thrawn's plans to overthrow the degenerated and demented Emperor Palpatine from his Sith Throne...

In LONG Live The Empress

The celebration continues as both surviving Jedi and Sith loyal to the Lady (Vader) now Empress Padme Skywalker
greet and meet to mesh their two different ways so that the Imperial Galactic Republic can now truly grow and prosper and prepare for more foes to come...

Art © SE Kimble
Characters © LucasArts
Commission for :iconkclcmdr:
© 2010 - 2024 kclcmdr
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Adalack's avatar
This could've easily have happened, too, remember the Noghri title for her "Mal'ari'ush", literally: "Lady Vader", drawn from Timothy Zhan's "Thrawn Trilogy" books... this is most promising too!
Sincerely pleased with this Star Wars story;